Title of Activity: Wordle Collage
Feinberg, J. (2009). Wordle. Retrieved September 30, 2010, from http://www.wordle.net/
Grade Level: 5
Subject: Language Arts
Description: After reading aloud to the class a short literary piece (poem, story etc.) students will type out a short journal on their thoughts, feelings and ideas that were evoked by what was heard. [This may require some reflection prompts to be given out.] The students will then visit the website http://www.wordle.net/create and copy their journal into the top box displayed. This website will take the most common words in their journal and produce a word collage/cloud. The students can then alter the layout, colors, etc. of their word cloud and view what was most prominent in their reflections.
General Learning Outcome:
· Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.
Specific Learning Outcome:
· Experiment with language and Forms- select from provided forms of oral, print and other media texts those that best organize ideas and information and develop understanding of topics
ICT Outcomes:
C7- 3.2 make connections among related, organized data, and assemble various pieces into a unified message
P2- 3.1 design, create and modify a database for a specific purpose
P3- 3.2 create multimedia presentations that incorporate meaningful graphics, audio, video and text gathered from remote sources
Rationale for Computer Integration:
This assignment allows students to take a reflection and use technology to alter and see it in a new light. It’s a good way to allow graphical insight into their thoughts. The technology will automatically pull your most frequent word usage, removing “and, the, that, etc.” I also feel as though it offers a fun, positive incentive to finish the journal reflection writing to see it in a word cloud.